Amy and I ordered some Chinese delivery tonight. Excellent food (we tried a new place), and a decent price. After the meal we were doing the fortune cookie thing. The place gave us four cookies, which was cool, because we have four family members. I opened my cookie first.
"Nothing is more beautiful than the smile of a loved one."
After smiling at me, Amy opened hers.
"It is more wise to listen to advice than to give it."
Next, Amy opened one for Gavin, letting him pull the paper out of the cookie.
"A wise person cares not for what he cannot have, but what he can achieve."
Finally, I opened the one for The Unnamed Child. We decided to let Gavin pull the paper out of this one, too, telling him to get the fortune for his brother. Well, unfortunately, the paper ripped, leaving half of the fortune still in the cookie. After breaking that half of the cookie, I tried to pull the rest of the fortune out, but it ripped into two more pieces. Finally, we were able to assemble the three pieces.
"Your luck has just completely changed."
Hrm. For the worse, it would seem….