Thursday, November 16, 2006


Or should I say, "What for?"

Yep, Gavin has reached "that stage". You know, the one where every description and directive provoke him to question the reasons and purpose behind them.

"Hey, Gavin. Can you take Mommy's shoes over to her?"

"What for?"

"Hm?" (I am biased against that particular phrase.)

"Oops. Sorry, Daddy. I mean, 'Why?'"

"Because she needs to put them on her feet."

I wish I could claim that that's really how all these exchanges go, but that would unfortunately be dishonest. I mean, generally I have a meaningful answer for him. And, even better, my plan to respond to "Why?" with "Can you think of a good reason?" — encouraging my boy to try to think through things just a bit before calling for help — has a hope of actually working. But today I actually did it. I said the thing I wanted never to say: "Because I asked you to." I mean, it's not exactly the same as "Because I said so", but I'm not fooling anyone here. I said The Phrase. I'm so ashamed.

Aidan is picking up more words, and starting to build phrases. This would be truly helpful if he actually spoke English instead of Old Aidanese. Oh well. Between Amy, Gavin and myself, we can typically figure out what the general notion of his somewhat less-than-precise babblings are. And of course, there's the cuteness value of it all.

But on an entirely different note, I just found something in my attic that's not so cute, and that I'm fairly certain shouldn't be there — several small, dead, animals (possibly bats… not sure) and a snakeskin.

And so it's my turn: "What for?!"